Sodiaal has chosen Keendoo's integrated PLM-MDM solution to harmonize and secure innovation processes, and to promote collaboration between departments to reduce time to market.
In 2021, Sodiaal, the leading dairy cooperative in France (ranked fifth in the world), will group its cheese, milk, butter and cream activities within the Consumer Products division, with the aim of harmonizing and pooling innovation-renovation processes and tools. The IT department chose the Keendoo software suite, specifically designed for food companies.
PLM-MDM: what are Sodiaal's objectives?
Two major objectives: on the one hand, to secure the progress of projects and respect the time to market of products (Entremonts, Candia, Yoplait ....). On the other hand, to steer innovation/renovation through better management of the innovation portfolio.
The implementation of PLM is the first step in a larger project. It aims to build a common data repository (MDM) for the Sodiaal group to optimize data management throughout the product life cycle.
Deployment of Keendoo: three major stages at Sodiaal
The first step was to harmonize product development methods and processes within the group. Workshops with key-users allowed us to build a common macro process, while keeping a minimum of specificities per BU.
" This harmonization step is essential to build future project schedules in the Keendoo Project Management module. "
Perrine Jhowry, Business Line Project Manager at Sodiaal.
The second step concerns the deployment of the software. The data of the inno-reno projects have been integrated into the module, with thesupport of Keendoo consultants for the parameterization of the project models with their processes.
The third step is one of the key success factors of the PLM project. It involves training andsupport for users to ensure that they understand the processes and the software. This is essential to develop collaboration between departments, each of which is involved in projects at its own level to optimize product time to market.
" We will add different bricks to manage the data as we go along, until we reach the goal of a global data repository. "
Christian Capasso, project manager at Sodiaal's IT department
Key success factors of the PLM project
- Rely on influential sponsors and drivers to facilitate change management
- Take it step by step: start with restricted perimeters to get users to adhere and enlarge the perimeters progressively (implementation by batches)
- Develop validated and proven innovation-renovation processes