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PLM & Agri-food Eco-design

New: Keendoo Sustainable Development module

Keendoo adds a Sustainable Development module to its software suite

The environmental impact of products: the challenge for the food industry

Ecodesign, recyclable packaging design, environmental labelling, the 2020 Agec law and the Climate and Resilience law currently under discussion encourage and accelerate sustainable development approaches in the food industry.

But to do better and reduce its environmental impact, it is first necessary to know where we are starting from, to take stock. This is made possible by the life cycle analysis ( LCA) approach, which identifies the indicators to be monitored and the levers for progress in line with the company's CSR policy.

"To do an LCA of a product, you first have to gather the data. This can be time-consuming if this information is scattered across different departments in the company."

Olivier Messager, director of O2M Conseil, an engineering firm specialising in the calculation of environmental impacts.

In summary, ecodesign is based on LCA carried out on the basis of product data. Having structured data in a product repository saves a lot of time.

The new Keendoo Sustainable Development module

As a result of several months of collaboration with O2M Conseil, Keendoo has added a Sustainable Development module to its software suite. This new module integrates the databases of the reference LCA indicators by product category, including Agribalyse®, and relies among other things on the data collected in the product reference system to calculate the Eco-score® faster and more accurately.

"With this tool, we can focus our energy on finding eco-design solutions rather than collecting data. ”

adds Olivier Messager.

With this module, the company will be able to choose other indicators to highlight on its products and to promote its eco-design efforts to consumers.

Do you want to speed up the LCA and eco-design of your products? Let's discuss it!