At Panzani:
deployment of the internal MDM data repository and Keendoo PLM modules to make product sheets more reliable
Panzani manages all its product data with the integrated PLM-MDM solution Keendoo. The company, theeader in the French starch and by-products market, is making its data more reliable from raw materials to finished products through internal and external validation processes, and distributes them to the GDSN electronic catalogs for up-to-date and reliable consumer information.

SINCE 2017

(including co-contractors)


- Panzani, n°1 in dry pasta, starch sauces and couscous in France
- Brands Panzani, Si Bon, Ferrero, Zakia, Régia
- More than 1000 GTINs produced
- All distribution channels: hypermarkets, supermarkets, proxi, hard discount, drive...
- Multi-channel distribution of product data
- 2017: implementation of the internal repository of finished product data
- 2020: deployment of the PLM Formulation and Project Management modules
- Centralize, make reliable and validate product information in the Keendoo data repository
- Automate and secure raw material and recipe validation processes
- Structure exchanges with co-contractors
- Ensure regulatory compliance of products
- Accelerate and optimize the product innovation process
- Promote collaboration between departments
- Make product sheets more reliable and automate the multi-channel distribution of product data
- Internal repository of finished products (MDM)
- Workflow for the validation of raw materials, recipes, finished products and third parties
- Collaboration with co-contractors: completion and updating of article data
- Recipe formulation
- Automatic labeling calculations: ingredient lists, allergens, Nutri-score®, etc...
- Automatic generation of product sheets and product folders
- Product project management: innovations, modifications, optimization
- Integration in the IS (Equadis, SAP, Power BI...) via the Keendoo API Rest
- Publication of data
In this interview, you will discover why Panzani chose Keendoo solutions, specifically designed for the food industry. You'll see how teams and co-contractors work together to make product data more reliable, as well as the Keendoo PLM features that score points for marketing, R&D and quality departments. You will also discover how the Master Data Management department controls the update of product data and automates the distribution of secured product data in the Keendoo MDM internal product repository to the GDSN electronic catalogs .
"The Keendoo application that we use at Panzani has saved us a lot of time, and has saved us real difficulties on the diffusion of product data. It allows us to react quickly to the market's needs for consumer transparency. "
Pierre Billiar, Head of Master Data Management and GDSN data flows at Panzani