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PLM & Agri-food Eco-design

Archives by author Keendoo

Product data: a team effort in the food industry?

Product data: a team effort in the food industry? Do you know how much data characterises an agri-food product? Do you know how many people contribute to the production, verification and validation of this data? And do you know how many different versions co-exist at any given time? And in your opinion, [...]

IAA : Accelerate and secure product development projects ?

Unstable market, accelerated product renewal: project management is essential. As one manager of a French agri-business group put it: "All too often, we have highly anticipated innovations that go awry and competitors that beat us to the punch. We don't realise what this costs in terms of euros and shares [...].

Blog post on innovation processes in the agri-food industry

IAA: Boosting innovation with 100% food PLM

Accelerating innovation in the agri-food industry: possible? How can you do it? With Keendoo PLM software specially designed for the food industry... Heard from the R&D manager of a large French food group: "if we could stick together the tasks required by the different departments, we would considerably reduce the time to market". But also: [...]

Blog post on blockchain in the food industry

Blockchain in the food industry: should we be prepared?

A recent exchange in a management meeting: "Blockchain, everyone is talking about it in the food industry, it seems complicated, should we start now? And first of all, what is blockchain? The principle is quite simple. Let's imagine that each member of the network manages a stack of data, like a stack of legos. When [...]

Food blog post: ensuring continuity in the event of absence

Shared product data: absence is no longer a drama!

Unexpected absences: how to ensure continuity? Overheard during the lockdown: "Fortunately, the product data for the ongoing projects were collected in a KEENDOO database, which allowed us to continue working together on new products, even when teleworking, and we did not lose a single day [...].

Innovating better and faster in the food industry

Formulation: innovating better and faster in the food industry

TRAINING: INNOVATING BETTER AND FASTER IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY Product development is a strategic challenge for the food industry. New consumer habits and increasingly strong expectations regarding origins, better eating, transparency ... but also a price war that is still very real: all these challenges [...]

Product data management, the nerve of commerce 3.0

The digital transformation of agri-food companies: let's start at the beginning!

What is the axis that runs through an agri-business? The product, of course. And yet, few know how to gather, make reliable, update and disseminate information about their products. Blockchain, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data, etc. But let's get back to earth. But let's come back to earth: all this is only a dream as long as the company does not first have [...]

Quality Service: Keep them from going crazy!

Let's save quality departments from the infobesity of agri-food product data! This was Laurent Venaille's credo at the Meeting Point he hosted at Agrovif 2018: "Quality departments: prevent them from going crazy!" Indeed, the inflation of data relating to a food product reference, generated or requested, is everywhere in the company. Several [...]