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PLM & Agri-food Eco-design

Archive by month of publication: June 2018

Quality Service: Keep them from going crazy!

Let's save quality departments from the infobesity of agri-food product data! This was Laurent Venaille's credo at the Meeting Point he hosted at Agrovif 2018: "Quality departments: prevent them from going crazy!" Indeed, the inflation of data relating to a food product reference, generated or requested, is everywhere in the company. Several [...]

Keendoo speaks at the RDV des Managers de l'Innovation 2018

How to manage and exploit agri-food product data to enhance their value? Laurent Venaille, Director of Exper-IAA, Keendoo's Expertise division, will speak at the 12th Innovation Managers' Meeting on the importance of product data management as a competitive lever in the food industry. Indeed, the data that characterize products are increasingly [...]